Jubilee South Africa
Press Statement
3 December 2009


Today the Sekuruwe community stood and watched as Anglo Platinum proceeded to bulldoze land the community used for ploughing fields. This aggressive violation by the mining company is the latest development in a week of hostile action against the community on its remaining land, this after a year of systematic destruction of its most arable land.
One community elder said “Anglo Platinum has already destroyed everything where we ploughed. We had crops coming up already and they are now all destroyed.”
The community has repeatedly stated that they did NOT give consent for Anglo Platinum to use their land. Despite repeated requests and demands that Anglo Platinum stop working on their land until the dispute is settled, Anglo Platinum proceeded to destroy the community’s fields, and call the police to arrest anyone who attempts to go onto their land to protect their crops.
47 community members were arrested last year when the community tried to stop Anglo Platinum’s contractor, Phuti Funeral Homes, from removing graves on the same farm without the community’s consent.
The community intends to express their frustration by demonstrating at the site tomorrow, and they also plan to demand that the Minister of Mining intervene and stop Anglo Platinum from destroying their land. The community members wonder when will government ever come to their aid as they watch their land, their water, and their ancestors be destroyed at the hands of Anglo Platinum.
For more information, please contact Mr. James Shiburi 072 478 3894
— George Dor Jubilee South Africa General Secretary george dor +27 (0)11 648 7000 +27 (0)76 460 9620 george@mail.ngo.za