Oyu Tolgoi mine may sacrifice vital water resources
It’s potentially the world’s largest copper-gold mine – one that Canada’s Ivanhoe Mines, joined recently by Rio Tinto, has sought to bring on-stream for several years. In October 2009, the partners were on the verge of being granted permission by the Mongolian government to proceed with the Oyu Tolgoi project. The final go-ahead was contingent on acceptance of a revised technical and economic feasibility study (TEFS). The study was accepted on March 25th and is due for implementation on April 6th 2010. However, according to a coalition of Mongolian NGOs: “None of the studies, assessments and the TEFS were audited for accuracy and/compliance with international norms and standards”.
Moreover, claims the coalition, the fragile, arid, ecosystem at Oyu Tolgoi “does not have enough water to carry this huge mine”. The Mongolian NGOs are calling for a delay on implementation of the Agreement, stating that: “There is much resistance by scholars and local residents to [the mine] … which will have adverse affect on the ecology, economy and livelihoods of people living in these areas”.
See http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=10009.