10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Nagoya, 18 – 29 October 2010
30 Oct: CBD/COP10 in Nagoya was gavelled to a close at 3:00am this morning. Its outputs, though better than expected, have limitations: they do not do much to realise the original dreams of those who conceived the Convention but they do a little to restrain corporate excess and at least they keep the process moving forward.
• The Decision on Agricultural Biodiversity, for example, is very weak but at least calls on FAO to build on the findings of IAASTD.
• The Nagoya Protocol on ABS is agreed but with reservations from Latin America and Africa who are concerned in relation to the funding mechanisms about the commodification of nature, for example – the Protocol is drastically watered down with few benefits likely to be forthcoming for provider communities;
• There is, however, an agreed Moratorium on Geoengineering and other tentative steps to stem the haemorrhage of biodiversity by 2020…
Read more at http://ukabc.org/cop10.htm.