Guatemala’s highest court has made a precedent-setting decision in favor of a small Maya Q’eqchi’ indigenous community of Agua Caliente in Izabal province, by recognising their right to land that is occupied by Canada’s HudBay mining company. Since 2004, when nickel mining was revived in eastern Guatemala, there has been a series of brutal forced evictions and other human rights violations (including killings and gang rapes). HudBay Minerals also faces charges, in Canadian courts, related to the 2009 killing of Adolfo Ich (a Mayan Qeqchi community leader), and the 2007 gang rape of 11 Mayan Qeqchi women from the Lote 8 community (as part of an illegal, brutal forced eviction). One of the major shareholders in HudBay is London-based Vedanta.