2pm on FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER at the Colombian Embassy at 3 Hans Crescent, London, SW1X 0LN.
Nearest tube: Knightsbridge.
Organised by:
Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Movimiento 22
COLOMBIA, the second most BIODIVERSE country in the world, home to 105 INDIGENOUS CULTURES, is under theat by MINING MULTINATIONALS. Mining titles now cover 8% of national territory. London-listed ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI holds the majority of them, many in Indigenous or Afro-Colombian lands, or areas with UNIQUE or IRREPLACEABLE ECOSYSTEMS. Land is being handed over to mining companies with the blessing of the Colombian state.
On 3 June this year, 13,000 people marched in the streets of Tolima to say YES TO LIFE, and NO TO LA COLOSA MINE. Unless stopped, La Colosa will become the largest open cast gold mine in South America. Nestled in the Colombian Andes in an area of strategic importance as a ‘water factory’, the CYANIDE used to process the ore will contaminate water for drinking and irrigation for the wider region. Colombians are demanding the right to continue living in a clean and safe environment.
The people of Tolima will march again on 14 OCTOBER. They would like Colombians and Friends of Colombia throughout the world to show their Solidarity, by convening at their closest Colombian Embassy on the day to say YES TO LIFE, and NO TO THE MINE. Our solidarity is of utmost importance as recently, threats have been received by opponents of the mine in Anaime, near Cajamarca, Tolima.
Bring Placards, Banners and let’s make a noise!!
More info:
Report: LA COLOSA: The Quest for El Dorado in Cajamarca, Colombia
Documentary: Gold Fever in Cajamarca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHxcZZ50opU
Documentary: AngloGold Ashanti in Ghana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Mz4hsCEpk
Threats to opponents of the mine: http://www.elnuevodia.com.co/nuevodia/tolima/regional/112789-campesinos-de-anaime-amenazados-por-coincidencias