Saturday 8 April 2017
10 30am – 4.00pm
Hosted by Friends of the Earth, 139 Clapham Road, Stockwell, London, SW9 0HP
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From Madagascar to Mongolia, from Macedonia to middle England, mining and other sectors are using new conservation measures such as ‘biodiversity offsetting’ to put a gloss of sustainability on their damaging activities.
At this event, activists, researchers, and NGOs and will be sharing testimony from communities across several continents, discussing these new threats to people and nature, and begin learning how to challenge them together.
10.30 Arrivals/Tea/Coffee
10.45 Introduction to the day
10.55 Introduction to New Frontiers, New Tricks briefing document
11.05 Case studies of new ‘frontiers’ of sustainability, biodiversity offsetting and the financialisation of nature
11. 20 Questions
Tea / coffee break
11.45 Premiere of investigative video from Madagascar
12.00 A frontline testimony from Madagascar
12.45 Questions
13.00 Lunch – please bring a packed lunch; or use the nearby cafe or food shop
13.45 Global context: panel and contributions from floor
14.15 Break-out sessions on the solutions to and arguments against mining’s new frontiers
15.15 Conclusions
15.40 Solidarity event – opportunity to show solidarity / support across the oceans
16.00 End
This event has been organised by: Andrew Lees Trust, Friends of the Earth, London Mining Network, Re:Common and War on Want.