Join us to remember those killed by Vale’s worst crime in Brazil!
Four years on from the dam collapse that killed almost 300 people and the transnational mining company Vale has yet to be persecuted for its crime
We demand justice from Vale. We stand in solidarity with the people of Minas Gerais state!
25th of January, 5-6 pm, in front of the Embassy of Brazil (London)
Join us in remembering those killed by the collapse of Vale’s tailings dam in the Brazilian municipality of Brumadinho. On Wednesday, 25th of January, we will gather for a candlelight vigil outside the Brazilian Embassy, in London.
Four years ago, a tailing dam of the iron ore mine Córrego do Feijão collapsed on this date. Vale owned this tailing dam. Almost 300 people died due to a colossal mudslide. In the years since at least 18 of Vale’s other dams in Brazil have failed to meet safety standards. Vale and TÜV Süd (the auditor who declared Brumadinho’s dam safe) have been charged. However, no criminal prosecutions have yet taken place. Hence, Vale continues to operate and profit in Brazil while its dams continue to be an immense threat to the lives, livelihoods and environments of all those around.
During this period of the year, a significant part of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is hit by floods and landslides. A few years ago, one tailings dam overflowed, and thousands of people were displaced or homeless. Nevertheless, Vale is mining there again, neglecting any risk of the dam overflowing.