LMN is delighted to announce our third Resisting Mining Book Club of 2024 with guest speakers Hamza Hamouchene and Katie Sandwell, who will be speaking about their edited collection Dismantling Green Colonialism: Energy and Climate Justice in the Arab Region (Pluto Press, 2013).
About the book:
The Arab region is a focus of world politics, with authoritarian regimes, significant fossil fuel reserves and histories of colonialism and imperialism. It is also the site of potentially immense green energy resources.
The writers in this collection explore a region ripe for energy transition, but held back by resource-grabbing and (neo)colonial agendas. They show the importance of fighting for a just energy transition and climate justice – exposing policies and practices that protect global and local political elites, multinational corporations and military regimes.
Covering a wide range of countries from Morocco, Western Sahara, Algeria and Tunisia to Egypt, Sudan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Palestine, this book challenges Eurocentrism and highlights instead a class-conscious approach to climate justice that is necessary for our survival.
Hamza and Katie will give an introductory lecture which will be followed by a Q&A. You do not need to have read the book to attend this meeting. However, if you want to read it, all registered attendees will be sent extracts of the book.
About the speakers:
Hamza Hamouchene is a London-based Algerian researcher-activist, commentator, a founding member of Algeria Solidarity Campaign (ASC), and Environmental Justice North Africa (EJNA), and the North Africa Programme Coordinator at the Transnational Institute (TNI). He previously worked for War on Want, Global Justice Now and Platform London on issues of extractivism, resources, land and food sovereignty as well as climate, environmental, and trade justice. He is also the author/editor of two books: “The Struggle for Energy Democracy in the Maghreb” (2017) and “The Coming Revolution to North Africa: The Struggle for Climate Justice” (2015).
Katie Sandwell is a Programme Coordinator at the Transnational Institute. She holds a Master of Environmental Studies degree from York University, Canada focusing on food sovereignty and local food movements, and has worked with and supported movements around the world. She coordinates and supports work at TNI on a range of issues related to climate, environmental and agrarian justice; public alternatives; energy democracy; land and territories; fair trade medicinal plants; agroecology and food sovereignty.