…Xstrata (later Glencore), had just three months earlier sponsored similar shootings in Peru. These results confirm continuity with the international exploitation established by Cecil Rhodes, and intensified during apartheid. As…
…used to exist when Xstrata (later absorbed by Glencore) ran the operations. This shows that Glencore does not want unions. Glencore must change its behaviour towards the workers. Investing in…
…Las Bambas Apurímac 13.1% Glencore Xstrata sold to MMG Swiss/UK then China Toromocho Junín 8.1% Chinalco China Antapaccay Cusco 7.8% Glencore Swiss/UK Marcobre Ica 5.3% Minsur 60%Alxar Internacional 40% PeruChile…
…by the Fujimori government, the exploitation of the sites of Tintaya and later Antapaccay have been in the hands of BHP Billiton, Xstrata and finally Glencore, who bought Xstrata in…
…– first BHP, then Xstrata and now Glencore. Despite years of social conflict and dangerous contamination of local water sources, documented and reported many times, neither the Peruvian state nor…