Reports Risk Analysis: RioTinto Mine, Andalusia (2019) A Just(ice) Transition is a Post-Extractive Transition (2019) Vedanta’s Billions (2018) Broken Hills (2018) AIM-Traded Mining Companies & Human Rights (2018) Mimika’s Coastal Dystopia: Besieged by Freeport Indonesia’s Mine Tailings Slurry (2018) The River is Dead (2017) In The Vally of the Shadow of Death? (2017) Holding UK companies to account in the English courts for harming people in other countries (2016) BHP Billiton’s Indomet Project: Digging deep into the Heart of Borneo (2014) La Colosa: A Death Foretold (2013) SHORT CIRCUIT: The Lifecycle of our Electronic Gadgets and the True Cost to Earth (2013) « Older Entries Next Entries »