Mining multinationals: assassinations, toxic waste and lost livelihoods. The struggle continues!
Dear friends, I am afraid that the news in this mailout is dominated by killings. The war in Ukraine is not the only military conflict which is brutally ending the lives of thousands of people – there are, regrettably, a number of such conflicts – but this...
London Mining Network meets with Latin American delegation fighting for ‘integral ecology’
Photo: Pedro Sanchez from Ecuador, Padre Juan Carlos from Colombia, Constanza Carvajal from Putumayo; Mattes Tempelmann from MISEREOR, Mikaell Carvalho from Justiça nos Trilhos; Guilherme Cavali from Church and Mining; Javiera Martínez from LMN; Kelly Silva from...
Press Release: Massive Investments linked to Illegal Amazon Mining Interests
Northern Financiers Invested US$ 54.1 Billion into Mining Companies with Illegal Interests in Amazonian Indigenous Territories A new report by the Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil – APIB and Amazon Watch reveals the main investors of eight large mining...