Answering questions that nobody asked

Answering questions that nobody asked

Report on the Fresnillo plc AGM, 21 May 2024 Photo: Alejandro Ruiz Representatives and friends of the El Bajio community, London Mining Network, ShareAction and Transform Trade attended the AGM to raise concerns about the activities of Fresnillo plc’s subsidiary...
La Colosa: An Imminent Threat

La Colosa: An Imminent Threat

La Colosa Open-Pit Gold Mining Project: an imminent threat to climate change and local communities in Colombia.  La Colosa is AngloGold Ashanti’s (AGA) proposed open-pit gold mining project in Tolima, Colombia. This exploratory project threatens to devastate the...
Update on Gabriel Resources vs. Romania

Update on Gabriel Resources vs. Romania

The Rosia Montana valley in spring 3 August 2022: Miningwatch Romania reports that the Gabriel Resources vs. Romania ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlement) arbitration procedure on the Rosia Montana mine proposal is nearing its end and that developments with...
Fresnillo AGM 2022: company denies responsibility 

Fresnillo AGM 2022: company denies responsibility 

At its AGM on 17 May, Fresnillo says it is not responsible for the irregular occupation of the lands and violence in the ejido of El Bajío, Mexico. Delegation from El Bajio at the Fresnillo AGM with LMN workers For background, see Mexican delegation visits London to...