The Tragic Roundabout

The Tragic Roundabout

By Richard Solly, London Mining Network Co-ordinator (with assistance from Andy Whitmore, LMN Co-chair) Readers of a certain age (i.e. those who are beginning to get a bit long in the tooth, like me) may remember the original version of The Magic Roundabout, in which,...
Push for European climate action

Push for European climate action

In March, European leaders will come together to agree a new EU climate deal. If thousands of us send David Cameron and Nick Clegg a message, they can push for the ambitious action that the world needs. Take action: write to them via the Stop Climate Chaos...
Sign petition for a frack-free future in the UK

Sign petition for a frack-free future in the UK

David Cameron claims that fracking could alleviate fuel poverty, but even his friends at Cuadrilla – the fracking company slated to cash in on the dash for gas – feel fracking’s impact on household bills will be ‘basically insignificant.’ What we do know...
Get the banks out of coal!

Get the banks out of coal!

Take action: sign WDM’s petition. Open pit coal mines are responsible for vast destruction and forced displacements of whole communities in the developing world. Coal is also a major contributor to climate change. The problems are exacerbated by the UK financial...

Plea to make coal a 'special case' in UK planning law

LOOSE ANTI OPENCAST NETWORK press release, 13 January 2014 PLEA TO MAKE COAL A ‘SPECIAL CASE’ The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and Friends of the Earth Scotland (FoE Scotland) are two of the groups who are supporting the request being made by the Loose...