Ongoing rights violations in Colombia
AngloGold Ashanti’s Colombian subsidiary AngloGold Ashanti Colombia SA was linked to state military groups who perpetrated systematic human rights violations and crimes against humanity in the Sur de Bolivar region. Thousands of people were displaced, while others were victims of threats and extrajudicial executions. After leading a peaceful campaign against AGA, Alejandro Uribe, a social leader was murdered by the Colombian army.
There are records of human rights abuses against communities practising ancestral mining in mining concessions held by AGA in the Afro-Colombian territory of La Toma. After AGA´s removal from la Toma due to community opposition, threats from paramilitary groups were reported and in 2010 six artisanal miner members of La Toma were murdered.
Curtis, Mark. “Fanning the Flames, the role of British Mining Companies in Conflict and the Violation of Human Rights.” War on Want, London (2007)
CETIM (2014) “Mining and Human Rights Violations in Colombia: The Case of Anglo Gold Ashanti vs the Afri-descendant Community of La Toma (Cauca)”