Week of action against RBS
Publicly-owned bank RBS was targeted last week for, among other things, its investments in coal, oil, tarsands and UK-registered mining company Vedanta. The company’s AGM was held in Edinburgh on Wednesday 28 April.
See http://www.sead.org.uk/today-rbs-public-shareholders-take-to-the-eicc, http://www.wdm.org.uk/cleaning-scotlands-banks and http://www.foe-scotland.org.uk/node/702.
Blog post: Meeting with Philip Hampton, Chairman of RBS
by Deborah Doane, Director, WDM Scotland
I’ve been campaigning for stronger corporate accountability for a fairly long time. So it should come as no surprise to me that I don’t generally see eye to eye with corporate executives. But sometimes, just sometimes, you hope the facts speak for themselves – and that those corporate executives would have a sudden attack of conscience. So when a group of us met with RBS executives in Edinburgh after their AGM, we hoped the facts would speak for themselves.
See http://www.wdm.org.uk/blog/blog-post-meeting-philip-hampton-chairman-rbs.
Camp for Climate Action to target RBS in 2010
The Camp for Climate Action has announced that it will be targeting the bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland in 2010. The location has yet to be revealed, and the group are promising that thousands will take action against the UK’s most controversial bank.
See http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/press/2010/04/22/camp-for-climate-action-to-target-rbs-in-2010.