If you live in the UK, please ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion 2951:
Greenwash Gold 2012
‘That this House welcomes the launch by Bhopal Medical Appeal, London Mining Network and UK Tar Sands Network of the Greenwash Gold 2012 awards exposing the record of environmental destruction and human rights abuses of the companies BP, Rio Tinto and Dow, which are major sponsors of the 2012 Olympics; and urges the Olympic authorities to bring forward reforms of the process by which Olympic sponsors are selected so that known polluters and human rights abusers are never allowed to tarnish the image of the Olympics again.’
Primary sponsor: John McDonnell, tabled: 16/04/2012. View the EDM at http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2010-12/2951.
Visit the Greenwash Gold 2012 website at http://greenwashgold.org/ and cast your vote for the worst Olympic sponsor.