Anglo American Chile has launched the National Sustainability and Public Account Forum, which seeks to enhance transparency in the private sector.
The information from Anglo American Chile web page explains the forum in these words:
In a context where trust plays a fundamental role in the well-being of societies, the National Sustainability and Public Accountability Forum that we are launching today as Anglo American is an unprecedented initiative, which we have developed in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank, and which we hope can become a benchmark in corporate transparency and accountability,’ said Patricio Hidalgo, executive president of Anglo American in Chile.
Nevertheless, communities and social organisations in Chile have written an open letter titled: Dialogue requires honesty, in response to Anglo American’s initiative. The letter says: ‘Let us be clear, building trusting relationships requires openness and honesty, not endless strategies to discredit us, co-opt us, misinform us, let alone silence us.’
An example of what the communities describe in the letter is the case of El Melon, where the company disputes to the communities land control.
Read the letter:
Read here the original open letter in Spanish.
The letter translated into English.
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