Brazil environmental watchdog charges Anglo American with a $10m fine over port accident
The environmental regulator in Brazil’s northern Amapa state (Imap) has fined Anglo American with a $10 million (20m Brazilian reais) fine over last week’s accident that left three people dead and another three missing at the company’s port terminal in the area. According to OGlobo (in Portuguese), Imap imposed the penalty because of the “environmental alterations” caused by the pier collapse.
Six missing after Brazil accident
A mining company in Brazil says an inquiry has begun into the cause of the collapse and sinking of a floating port on the Amazon river, in Amapa state. An official blamed a big wave that allegedly washed over the banks of the Amazon, dragging with it cranes, lorries and people. But witnesses said the surge was caused by the collapse of the floating quay, and not the other way around. The authorities are investigating the accident in the port town of Santana, on the facilities of Anglo Ferrous, the Brazilian subsidiary mining giant Anglo American.