FairPensions report reveals gaps in funds’ risk management and accountability
Investor Responsibility?, a new report from FairPensions, shows that UK pension funds are acknowledging the potential of environmental, social or corporate governance (ESG) issues to affect the value of investments but many still lack strategies to manage these risks. The research includes a ‘league table’ of the UK’s 30 largest pension funds, almost half of which do not disclose their largest investments. FairPensions is also releasing a ‘self-assessment’ survey of questions for pension fund members to ask their funds.
See http://www.fairpensions.org.uk/news/news2009Jan22n1.htm.
More details from Duncan Exley (duncan@fairpensions.org.uk, 020 7403 7806).
Financial institutions fail to manage environmental, social and governance risks, EIRIS finds
Research from EIRIS finds only a quarter of companies are adequately managing their environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks. At risk? – How companies manage ESG issues at board level focuses on 2,200 companies listed on the FTSE All-Word Developed Index to track progress on managing ESG risk issues over a three year period to 2008. By incorporating ESG criteria into their investment decision-making and ownership practices, EIRIS argues, investors can directly influence companies to improve their sustainability performance. Companies not already doing this are at risk of incurring significant costs.
See http://www.eiris.org/files/research%20publications/ESGboardpracticeapril09.pdf