An excellent report on mining company strategy is now available at the Lake Superior Mining News. Teresa Bertossi’s very useful Mining for Public and State Approval: Corporate Strategies for Mining on Michigan’s Yellow Dog Plains is written very clearly and contains much information on Rio Tinto subsidiary Kennecott’s history in Wisconsin, what the company learned from battling the very vibrant and grassroots citizen movement in that state, and how the company used the experience to their advantage in Michigan by involving opponents in the “consensus process,” among other things. The report should be read by citizens in any community facing the threat of metallic sulphide mining.
The report can be seen as a humble companion to Professor Al Gedicks’ The New Resource Wars: Native and Environmental Struggles Against Multinational Corporations (available here. . . and Roscoe Churchill and Laura Furtman’s The Buzzards Have Landed: The Real Story of the Flambeau Mine (available here. . .
You can access Bertossi’s report at