‘Moves to stop global warming are devastating tribal people’, says new report
Measures to stop global warming risk being as harmful to tribal peoples as climate change itself, according to a new report from Survival International.
See http://www.survivalinternational.org/news/5273?utm_source=E-news+%28English%29&utm_campaign=b7c3761f05-E_news_November_09&utm_medium=email.
REDD: A New Danger for Adivasis and Forest Dwellers
A new international climate scheme called “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of forests” (REDD) is a part of international negotiations around climate change. REDD basically is a scheme intended to channel money from rich countries to developing ones for the purpose of protecting their forests. While it sounds wonderful on paper, REDD is actually a facade for what will become a massive land grab – with devastating consequences in India and around the world.
See http://www.forestrightsact.com/climate-change/item/10-redd-a-new-danger-for-adivasis-and-forest-dwellers.