Press release from LMN member group CATAPA concerning Goldcorp’s Marlin mine
With the greatest urgency CATAPA asks the suspension of all activities of the Marlin mine and the application of the other precautionary measures which the Interamerican Commission for Human Rights requested of the Guatemalan government. The 20th of May the Interamerican Commission for Human Rights urged the Guatemalan government to suspend the Marlin gold mine in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, in the western department of San Marcos, to avoid further environmental y health problems. It asked to implement these and other precautionary measures during the investigation of the complaint presented by 18 local communities. The Commission gave the Guatemalan government 20 days to respond to the request, which until now has not taken any concrete steps to implement the measures.
Goldcorp is a Canadian company but among its major investors are British-based AXA Investment Managers UK Ltd (US$4.3 million), Blackrock Commodities Income Trust plc, and City Natural Resources High Yield Trust PLC, according to the document From Money to Metals ( by mining researcher Roger Moody.)