Indian court orders closure of Vedanta’s “polluting” copper plant, but justice may still be denied
A case, alleging massive pollution by UK-listed Vedanta Resources at India’s largest copper smelter, has been set aside by the Supreme Court.
Vedanta bags GMDC bauxite mining deal
London-listed Vedanta Resources has won the bauxite mining bid for Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC). The Anil Agrawal-owned company will get 500 thousand tonnes of bauxite from GMDC-owned mines. With ample supply from Gujarat mines, Vedanta can run its Orissa-based refinery with the fullest capacity.
Condemn the attempts to attack Prafulla Samantara
On September 19, 2010, Prafulla Samantara, the well known activist intellectual from Orissa, was traveling to Katikela, a village in Jharsuguda in Orissa, where Vedanta is forcing people to leave their ancestral lands. The local people had invited him to address a meeting. The local villagers and activists informed him that there were several goondas of the company moving around in the village, threatening to attack Prafulla. Therefore, it was decided that the meeting should be canceled instead of involving in a confrontation. Prafulla was present at the London AGM of Vedanta in 2008.