The news has gone around the world. Wikileaks has revealed new diplomatic cables regarding meetings between representatives of key mining companies operating in Peru and the ambassadors of the US, Canada, Britain, Switzerland and South Africa – countries that are the source of principle mining investments.
According to the cable, the directors of Antamina, Yanacocha, Quellaveco, Barrick and BHP Billiton were present for the meeting.
At this stage, it isn’t at all surprising that there would have been a meeting between Ambassadors and mining companies. What is remarkable is what was being requested: the cable indicates that the mining executives proposed that the Peruvian government be urged to rotate teachers who dissent, and priests in the Catholic church that support communities; and that NGOs are to blame for everything and should leave the country.
Antamina, in Ancash Region, produces copper, zinc and molybdenum concentrates (and silver and lead concentrates as by products). BHP Billiton owns 33.75%, Xstrata 33.75%, Teck 22.5% and Mitsubishi Corporation 10%.
The Quellaveco mine, operated by Anglo American, is located in southern Moquegua  region and produces copper, molybdenum and silver concentrates. Anglo American also develops the Michiquillay copper proyect in the North of Perú.
Barrick Gold operates 2 gold mines in Perú: Lagunas Norte in Quiruvilca, Santiago de Chuco, and Pierina in Huaraz, Ancash.