But the “Big Australian” is dogged by criticism
It’s currently one of the most successful companies anywhere, with a market capitalisation that puts it among the world’s top five corporations.
But, as London-listed BHP Billiton looks forward to presenting shareholders with its annual results in October, many questions remain unanswered. Will it proceed with a massive expansion of its Olympic dam uranium-copper mine, or a major coal project in rainforested Kalimantan? How will it account for the impacts of a US$1.3 billion expansion of Colombia’s Cerrejon coal mine – where it’s partnered with Anglo American and Xstrata? Why has the company recently invested to heavily in shale gas extraction, using so-called “fracking” – a process which heavily-criticised for its potential chemical pollution?
See http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=11141&l=1.