Cerrejon Coal, a joint venture of London-listed Anglo American, BHP Billiton and Xstrata, has adopted a human rights policy. It remains to be seen how closely the company will live up to it. If it does so, communities around the mine would benefit.
See http://www.cerrejon.com/site/Portals/1/Documents/pdf/policies/Cerrejon-%20Human%20Rights%20Policy.pdf.
For background, see articles at https://londonminingnetwork.org/?s=cerrejon.
If you live in the UK, PLEASE URGE YOUR MP TO SIGN EARLY DAY MOTION 2396 ON CERREJON. See https://londonminingnetwork.org/2011/11/please-urge-your-mp-to-sign-early-day-motion-2396-on-cerrejon-coal/.