He’s not the world’s wealthiest mining billionaire (Mexico’s Carlos Slim owns that dubious accolade). But he’s certainly its most notorious. Known from student days as “Toxic Bob” (probably referring to his alleged drug dealing at the time – but the nickname has justifiably stuck) Robert Friedland has launched projects that would sit high on any list of the world’s most damaging extractive enterprises.
But it’s Rio Tinto’s financial alliance with Ivanhoe – while the latter was still profiting from the Monywa copper mine under Bumese military rule – which has raised most ire over the past five years.
Two weeks ago, Robber Friedland announced his intention to launch an Initial Public Offering shares (IPO) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) “during the first half of next year”.
See http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=12039.