Bumi plc was created in 2010 when Nat Rothschild, descendant of the founder of the two-centuries old banking empire, used his family name to get high profile investors to back him in a deal to bring a chunk of the vast business interests of the Bakrie family of Indonesia to the City of London. Rothschild used a cash shell, Vallar, to list the coal and other mining interest in London which provided the members of Sumatran family – one of whom, eldest brother Aburizal, has a good chance of becoming president of the world’s fourth most populous nation – a high profile in the West. At the same time the deal gave Nat, 41, the chance to finally transform his popular image from that of a partying rich kid into a financier with true dealmaking chops. But only two years later, Bumi plc is collapsing amid bitter recriminations between the Rothschild and the Bakries, a probe by the UK market regulator, allegations of financial impropriety, email hacking and disastrous derivatives trades.
See http://www.mining.com/bumi-makes-london-bourse-look-second-rate-fit-only-for-speculative-mining-plays-58214/?utm_source=digest-en-mining-130130&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=digest.