Ten Urgent Reasons to Reject Nuclear Power
Now Many citizens do not want nuclear power. They know it is both far too dangerous and far too expensive. UK governments have largely supported nuclear power as well as nuclear weapons. Many citizens do not want nuclear weapons because they know they are insanely dangerous, and they want to live without the constant threat of sudden and complete annihilation hanging over them and their children. The close relationship between the weapons and power in every sense of the word may explain differences in politicians’ and citizens’ agendas on these issues.
See http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/14461-ten-urgent-reasons-to-reject-nuclear-power-now.
After Fukushima: families on the edge of meltdown
Two years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, a new phenomenon is on the rise: atomic divorce. Abigail Haworth reports on the unbearable pressures and prejudices being faced by those caught in the radiation zone.
See http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/feb/24/divorce-after-fukushima-nuclear-disaster.
Religious and civic voices stress humanitarian concern over nuclear weapons
In an unprecedented show of global public concern that included strong religious voices, 500 civil society representatives and 132 governments met from 2 to 5 March 2013 in Oslo, Norway, to address the humanitarian effects of nuclear weapons. Diplomats, scientists, activists, religious leaders and film star Martin Sheen addressed a civil society forum and a government conference on the health, environmental and emergency impact of nuclear explosions. The forum was organized by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Members of the World Council of Churches (WCC) “no-nukes” network participate in the campaign and took part in Oslo.
See http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/18129.