Who’s winning the war over coal? There are signs that those who dig up and utilise the black stuff are finally not getting it all their own way.
President Obama recently promised an end to public financing of the sector, and the US Export-Import Bank has voted not to back a new coal-fired power plant for Vietnam.
The United Church of Christ has also voted to disinvest from all fossil fuel companies (though its statement, calling for “enhanced shareholder engagement” with the same firms seems a little puzzling).
However, the World Bank has yet to forsake its own role in boosting the dirty fuel, lending support to one of the most damaging of India’s new power projects.
Meanwhile, new rules on carbon emissions trading continue playing a major part in promoting heavy industry which depends on cossil fuel use, in Germany and Australia
See http://www.minesandcommunities.org/article.php?a=12400.