Fairtrade International will unveil its new standard and pricing for gold, silver and platinum and new ways of working with the jewelry industry at a roundtable discussion in London on October 9 and 10. The organization distributed new design labels for Fairtrade gold, platinum and silver, using a green accented tab with the name of the precious metal set in black. The Fairtrade marks can also be applied to certified gold, platinum and silver that must adhere to eco standards, while ”Eco Marks” can be used for precious metals that have been extracted without the use of chemicals, following strict ecological restoration requirements.
See http://www.diamonds.net/News/NewsItem.aspx?ArticleID=44570&ArticleTitle=Fairtrade%2BGold%2BSimplifies%2BLabel%252c%2BSets%2BLondon%2BMeeting%2Bin%2BOctober%2B.