Calling all educators, youth workers, and young people! London Mining Network is inviting you to attend our education day where you will hear about our work, try out our teaching resources and find out how you can support us.
In the morning, there will be an opportunity to try out and discuss some of our top teaching resources in a series of short workshops including our popular PhoneCycle game and our brand new COP materials. There will be sample materials to take away to reproduce at school for your classes.
After lunch (plenty of places for takeaway food nearby or bring your own) we will discuss the problematic relationship between the extractive industries (big mining and big oil) and education, the arts, science and culture. We have invited some of the activists and campaigners demanding an end to fossil fuel funding of London museums to speak about their work and we will show a short film about communities resisting coal mining.
We will also have an open session for wider discussions about mining including how, as teachers, you can get involved in our education work at London Mining Network.
This event is primarily aimed at educators but is also suitable for young people aged 14 upwards (younger if accompanied) and anyone involved in activist and /or community education settings. If you would like to run a workshop on mining in your school, college or for your friends and community and need some materials and support, then this event is a good place to start. We will be providing tea and coffee and there will be resources to take away.
The event is free but we would really appreciate it if you could make a donation towards our costs.
Numbers are limited owing to space so if you book and are then unable to attend please let us know.