Has your MP signed the EDM to protect Bristol Bay?

…Paul Henry from Anglo American (Pebble, Alaska), and Communications Manager Anji Hunter.” Martin Horwood MP remains committed to standing up for the rights of indigenous people in Bristol Bay. He…

Northern Dynasty looks to sell Pebble stake

One half of the Pebble Limited Partnership – the half that includes Rio Tinto – is looking to sell. The Pebble Partnership, which involves Northern Dynasty (in which Rio Tinto…

Report on the Anglo American AGM, 21 April 2011

…the Pebble project to the company’s other projects, implying that the move among jewellers to boycott any gold produced at a future Pebble Mine may be widened. Several speakers pointed…

Coalition to save Bristol Bay, Alaska

…for Pebble If you’re curious to find out just how much the companies behind the Pebble Mine spent on lobbying the Alaska legislature, read this article ($378,000 to employ four…