The worst of the worst: the 2023 Glencore AGM

The worst of the worst: the 2023 Glencore AGM

Photo: Richard Murphy By Richard Solly, Co-ordinator, London Mining Network, based on notes of the AGM made by Stephan Suhner, Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz Kolumbien (Switzerland-Colombia Working Group). An on-demand webcast of the AGM can be found here along with the Notice...
Latin American Land Defenders Confront Anglo American in London

Latin American Land Defenders Confront Anglo American in London

Activists from London Mining Network and War on Want were joined yesterday by land defenders from mining affected communities across Latin America outside the Annual General Meeting of Anglo American to protest the company’s damaging practices. Outside the QEII Centre...
Send a message to Anglo American!

Send a message to Anglo American!

April 26, 2023 is an international call to action to protest Anglo American’s inappropriate mines and proposals in Latin America. Across Latin America, Anglo American has left a trail of damage and hurt. Without external pressure, we know that companies like...