Danakali Ltd to leave London Stock Exchange

Danakali Ltd to leave London Stock Exchange

By Habte Hagos, Eritrea Focus Australia’s potash miner Danakali (ASX, LON: DNK) has requested a cancellation of its listing on the London Stock Exchange, expected to be effective on 24 September.1  Danakali Ltd has been working...
Hidden in plain sight: BHP’s 2020 AGMs

Hidden in plain sight: BHP’s 2020 AGMs

Former residents of the Tabaco community, La Guajira, Colombia, stand in the ruins of their house after their 9 August 2001 eviction to make way for expansion of the Cerrejon coal mine, now 33% owned by BHP by Richard Solly, Co-ordinator, London Mining Network London...
London-listed Danakali in Eritrea

London-listed Danakali in Eritrea

22 May 2020 Press Release from LMN member group Eritrea Focus We note with concern the announcement that Danakali – an Australian based mining house, listed on the London Stock Exchange – is proceeding with its investments in Eritrea.(1) In a statement the company...