Slow Death in Siberia

Slow Death in Siberia

Russia is the third biggest exporter of coal. It has vast reserves in the Kuzbass in southern Siberia which nestles roughly north of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. 76 per cent of Russia’s coal exports come from this region, tying people from across the world to this remote,...
Coal mining is not a 'governmental need', rules Russian court

Coal mining is not a 'governmental need', rules Russian court

Activists have for the first time in Russian history succeeded in cancelling permission for new coal mining in a Russian court. London Mining Network has just received the press release below (translated from Russian) from our friends at Ecodefense. For background...
Coal and conflict in the UK

Coal and conflict in the UK

by Richard Solly, Co-ordinator, London Mining Network I recently watched two very moving documentaries about the last miners in Britain’s last deep coal mine, Kellingley, which closed a year ago. Their bravery, camaraderie, solidarity and dedication were...
Coal and conflict in the UK

International campaigners object to Highthorn mine

By Coal Action N etwork Three foreign human rights and environmental campaigners have come together to reject the application by Banks Group to mine at Highthorn, Northumberland. The local campaign, Save Druridge, have been doing brilliant work in raising fighting...
Ditch Coal: the Russian connection

Ditch Coal: the Russian connection

As LMN member group Coal Action Network continues to host our friend Vladimir Slivyak of Russian environmental organisation Ecodefense on the Ditch Coal Speaking Tour, film-maker Jo Syz has produced a three-minute video on the impacts of the UK’s coal imports...