The UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee is currently conducting an inquiry called ‘Global Britain and South America’. London Mining Network has submitted evidence on the impact of some London-listed mining companies on communities and...
Press release from Loose Anti Opencast Network, 30 January 2015 Yesterday afternoon MPs debated the issue of un-restored opencast coal sites that exist across England, Scotland and Wales in a debate entitled “Opencast Coal Sites (Restoration)” (1) . MPs from Wales,...
28 October 2014 Campaigners have welcomed the outcome of an inquiry into the extractives sector conducted by the Parliamentary Committee on Business, Innovation and Skills, calling on the government to take action on the sector that campaigners have accused of being...
By Richard Solly, London Mining Network Co-ordinator (with assistance from Andy Whitmore, LMN Co-chair) Readers of a certain age (i.e. those who are beginning to get a bit long in the tooth, like me) may remember the original version of The Magic Roundabout, in which,...
Regulation, regulation, regulation … 4th March 2014 Richard Solly, the Co-ordinator of London Mining Network (LMN) was one of four civil society representatives called to give testimony today before a Department of Business Innovation and Skills Parliamentary Select...