Stop the Corporate Carve-up of Africa!
Demonstration at the Mining on Top Africa Summit in London, 25 June at 18:00 Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel, 18 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TJ The Mining on Top Africa London Summit says it aims to drive economic and social development in Africa. Yet there is a total...
The real cost of coal providing the UK with energy security is £469 million – and the cost is rising
Press release from Loose Anti Opencast Network, 30 January 2015 Yesterday afternoon MPs debated the issue of un-restored opencast coal sites that exist across England, Scotland and Wales in a debate entitled “Opencast Coal Sites (Restoration)” (1) . MPs from Wales,...
As 2015 begins, pressures on coal show no sign of ending
Continued use of coal is ecologically unsustainable – but it also looks as though it is economically unsustainable as well. Pressures on coal show no signs of ending Arguably, most of the world’s coal assets are already stranded — doomed by the new global...