Dear friends, We at London Mining Network send you good wishes for Christmas and the New Year. May 2021 be considerably better than 2020! The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Co-Convenors of the Global Tailings...
Dear friends, I hope you are all surviving the continued difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have recently published a major new report, Martial Mining, about the links between mining and militarism. We have also revised our popular education board game...
Former residents of the Tabaco community, La Guajira, Colombia, stand in the ruins of their house after their 9 August 2001 eviction to make way for expansion of the Cerrejon coal mine, now 33% owned by BHP by Richard Solly, Co-ordinator, London Mining Network London...
London Mining Network submitted the following questions to BHP on behalf of BHP-affected communities and workers in advance of its online AGM on 14 October. As you can see from the AGM report, few of them were answered. We invite answers from BHP, and they should be...
Dear friends, I hope to see many of you at our annual gathering on the evening of Wednesday 26 June. Do come and hear from our guests Siti Maimunah and Volker Boege about the legacy of UK mining company Rio Tinto in Bougainville and Indonesia, and learn more about our...