Latest News
Keep up-to-date with everything LMN is doing to support & show solidarity with communities harmed by London based mining companies.
Centering Indigenous Sovereignty at COP29: Defining a Just Transition for a Sustainable Future
9th Memorial to the tragedy of Samarco that killed 19 people and the Rio Doce
Communities resisting the effects of multinational companies: Junta Social Pro Reubicacion de Tabaco is celebrating!
Brazilian Communities Prepare for Landmark Legal Battle Against BHP in London Over 2015 Mariana Dam Disaster
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What we do
We work with mining-affected communities throughout the year by organising community visits, lobbying parliamentarians, holding protests and through ongoing working groups.
Read our reports on tailings dams and the environmental and social devastation that mining companies leave behind. Find out about our upcoming work on just transition.
We host talks, workshops, and public events throughout the year to boost understanding of mining and the harms it can cause. We also want to keep our supporters up to date on protests, demonstrations, and key calendar dates to keep the spotlight on companies that need to be held accountable.