London Mining Network is a partner of the “Stop mad mining” campaign, which is an EU funded project with the main aim to promote sustainable and globally just production and consumption of raw materials, through awareness raising and advocacy work, and so contribute to the European Year of Development 2015.
The project “Time for change: Promoting sustainable production and consumption of raw materials in the context of EYD 2015 and beyond” is based on the efforts of 13 international partners, with a special focus on new EU Member States. The project will take place between 2015 and 2017 and targets EU citizens, companies and decision makers through a wide range of activities.
The “Stop Mad Mining” campaign is initiated within the framework of the European Year of Development 2015. It aims at creating the link between (over-) consumption of raw materials in Europe on the one hand, and poverty, human right violations, and environmental destruction in resource rich countries on the other hand. Our goal is to sensitise and mobilise citizens, politicians and companies around the dramatic impact of our consumption patterns on dwindling, non-renewable global resources, and how this in turn is impacting the life of people affected by the extraction of raw materials and climate change.
Our core objectives
The EU introduces binding regulations upon companies regarding human rights and environmental standards for the extraction of raw materials
The activities of EU companies fully consider human rights and environmental standards in the extraction and use of raw materials throughout the whole value chain
The EU reduces the use of raw materials through the reform of production and consumption patterns
Non-renewable energy use is phased out in the EU
Ethical consumption becomes more prevalent among EU citizens
Key project activities
- A “time for change” week of action at the end of October 2015
- Petition to European decision-makers
- Speakers tours with guests visiting from the global South
- Production of publications and campaign materials
- Journalist fact finding missions
- Seminars, roundtables and international conferences
- International ‘Green Go’ Short Film Contest
London Mining Network’s main activities in the framework of this project
- To coordinate tours of overseas visitors
- Mobilise advocacy of UK organisations and citizens for raw material policies in the EU
- Support “time for change” week of action within the UK
- Better integrate the work of LMN member organisations with the aims of the project
- Support UK-based research and publications
For more information please join us on the Facebook page, Twitter or write to whit[at]
Related project activities include:-
- Conflict minerals petition
- Human Rights Day message on conflict minerals
- Report on visit to Colombian coal affected communities
- Report on Colombian visitors to London
- Call to tweet MEPs over conflict minerals petition
- EU countries must not weaken plan to stop conflict minerals trade
- Conflict Minerals: Almost 42,000 Europeans demand a mandatory regulation
- Pledge for the Planet: The case of minerals
More on the Stop Mad Mining project can be found at:
The project is implemented with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Project (Co-) Beneficiaries, and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Join in with the European Year of Development 2015 at events across the EU, stay up to date with information and news on the official campaign website, join the conversation on Twitter (#EYD2015) and have your say on Facebook.